Kafito Polski

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Key Solutions was founded in Wrocław in 2014. The core business of the company is distribution and comprehensive maintenance of software and CAD licences. Our services ensure continuity of the product development process in industries such as automotive, railway, aviation, or home appliances. Download the Key Solutions activities profile! Click! Our customers are also offered training in CAD/CAM Catia systems completed with an education partner certification. Outsourcing of IT services is the second sector of company’s activity that is developing vigorously. Our existing customers have strongly emphasized the need for IT support. The automotive industry is dynamically heading towards digitization of its products. The whole world is being digitized. Poland is considered the leader on the market of IT services. Wrocław is called the Polish Silicon Valley. That’s why here and now, noticing the growing market demand, we’ve decided to fill this niche, as we always have our finger on the pul
WWW: http://key-solutions.pl

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